0F0E0C | 3A3633 | 65645F | 908C89 | B6B2AF |
It's not every day that someone you don't know smiles at your camera, giving me a brilliant opportunity to test drive my new 50mm 1.8. I just love this little thing, amazing depth of field and clarity.
Editing : b&w + filter with Nikon Capture NX, cropping.
[ A F T E R W O R D ]
Negative feedback welcome - it's the best way to learn.
Positive feedback also appreciated, of course - but only if deserved ;)
Constructive criticism is a compassionate attitude towards the person qualified for criticism. Having higher experience, gifts, respect, knowledge in specific field and being able to verbally convince at the same time, this person is intending to uplift the other person materially, morally, emotionally or spiritually. Hence the word constructive is used so that something is created or visible outcome generated rather than the opposite.
1/640 second
75 mm (35mm equiv.)